The Living Wardrobe is a series of garment prototypes that comprise the basic components of an everyday wardrobe. Six different garment types are included: a dress, skirt, coat, top, culottes, and trousers.
Together, the garment prototypes form a series rather than a collection. While they are linked stylistically through complementary silhouettes, design features, colours and fabrics, the garments are not described or presented here as a fashion collection is typically understood: a range of complementary garments designed in response to a specific season’s trends and weather.
The garments are designed and manufactured following a design process that takes into account likely future use and re-use, I call this ‘use-forecasting’. In fashion design, it is usual to design according to a ‘trend forecast’ so why not a ‘use forecast’ too?
Changes the wearer might like to make have been pre-empted so that adjusting waist lines and replacing worn parts is achieved simply. Buttons are used in place of zips or studs so they are easy to move. Areas of wear are reinforced so the reinforcements wear before the garment does- they can be simply cut out when worn and replaced if desired. The Layered Top has been made with cuffs and bands in a contrasting fabric so if necessary, they can be replaced one day with something new, without the stress of matching fabric, anything black and stretchy will do. There are tutorials and resources to assist with these changes, encouraging wearers to have a go.
Beyond ensuring repair is as easy as possible, each garment is constructed in an ‘open’ way so the wearer can even make changes I never thought of- seams can be readily opened and generous seams and hem provide that bit of extra fabric.